Bipolar disorder at one time was called manic-depressive disorder is a condition in which individuals will have periods of high manic episodes and very extreme low episodes.
Even though the following triggers do not necessarily cause the disorder alone, they can often trigger the disorder or set up the brain to develop the disorder later in life. For those living with bipolar disorder, life can be difficult from day to day. Finding a Rogers bipolar therapist can provide the support they need to enjoy life.
Genetic Factors
Researchers believe that genetics can be a trigger to the disorder, however, this has not been proven. On the other hand, individuals that have parents with the disorder do have a higher chance of becoming bipolar. The risk increases if both parents have the disorder. Twins have a higher risk if one has the disorder.
Imbalance of Hormones
Some researchers believe that a hormonal imbalance may be an underlying cause or could be a trigger. Signs of an imbalance include fatigue, depression, insomnia, gaining weight, extreme PMS, and mood swings.
Imbalance of Neurotransmitters
Researchers have proven that these imbalances are linked to bipolar disorder and may also be the reason for various mood disorders. At this time, research is still be conducted to learn how the imbalances work and the way in which they contribute to this and other disorders.
Everyone has times in their lives when they experience stress, however, for those that are prone to developing bipolar disorder some types of stress may trigger depression or even manic episodes. Stress is not only a trigger for this disorder but for individuals that are always under stress, it can cause harm not only mentally but also physically.
Any event in your life that causes you trauma, may trigger the disorder if you are predisposed to developing bipolar disorder. Of course, there is not much you can do to stop traumatic events in your life but you should learn how to deal with these events to help you emotionally and mentally when they do occur.
Drug abuse
Drug abuse is not a cause for an individual developing this disorder, however, it can easily be a trigger. Alcohol can bring about depression which could be a trigger and then amphetamines, on the other hand, can bring on manic states which could also be a trigger.
Junk foods
There is no food linked with bipolar disorder, however, there are certain foods that might trigger the disorder. Research shows that certain foods should be avoided for better mental and physical health which include refined sugar, processed foods, soda, refined flour, alcohol in excess, foods that have a high trans fat content, caffeine in excess, eating more foods that have saturated fat, and artificial sweeteners.
Even though you may know the triggers, bipolar disorder can develop even if you control your diet and avoid these triggers. It is important that if you feel like you may have this disorder is to seek help. A professional counselor can help you learn how to cope with the episodes or to discover if you are experiencing a different mood disorder.